By Laws For Osman Meat Mavericks


Section 1. Name

The name of this Unit is the Osman Meat Mavericks and is a chartered Unit of Osman Shrine, A.A.O.N.M.S., which is located in Eagan, Minnesota by virtue of a Charter granted by the Imperial Council, A.A.O.N.M.S. dated June 14, 1886.

Section 2. Purpose

The purpose of this Shrine Unit is to foster friendships between Nobles, their Ladies, and families; and to support the Shriners Hospitals for Children and related projects. The Unit should donate funds annually to the Shriners Hospitals for Children, the Women’s Auxiliary to the Shriners Hospital for Children, the Twin Cities Unit, and/or the Osman Shrine Transportation and Aid Fund.

“At Osman Meat Mavericks, our mission is to cultivate a passionate community of grilling and smoking aficionados, united by our shared love for the art of meat preparation. We aim to create a vibrant, inclusive atmosphere where members can engage with like-minded individuals, share their culinary expertise, and learn from each other. Through friendly competitions, we foster a spirit of camaraderie and excellence, challenging each other to reach new heights in our grilling and smoking endeavors.

Above all, we are committed to making a positive impact beyond our club. By organizing events and initiatives to raise funds, we dedicate ourselves to supporting charitable causes, and giving back to the community that surrounds us. Our club is more than a haven for meat enthusiasts; it’s a platform for change, driven by our collective passion and generosity. Together, we are the Osman Meat Mavericks – savoring the joy of grilling, smoking, and making a difference in the world.”

Section 3. Osman Shrine Events

This Club/Unit should participate in all Osman Shrine events requested by the Potentate for the betterment of the Nobility and to foster cohesiveness among all Clubs and Units of Osman. No Club/Unit activity will be scheduled or held that conflicts with an official Osman Shrine event without the express prior permission of the Potentate of Osman Shrine. This Club/Unit should arrange to have the members participate in all Osman Shrine fund-raising events for which the Potentate requests assistance and shall report in writing to the Osman Shrine office the level of that participation.


Section 1. Government

This Club/Unit, and all of its members, shall be governed by the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Code, Edicts, Regulations, Orders, and Usages of the Imperial Council, A.A.O.N.M.S. for North America, an Iowa corporation, and Osman Shrine as well as be governed by the Potentate of Osman Shrine.

Section 2. Self-Sufficiency

The Club/Unit will make every attempt to raise all of its own operating expenses as well as funds for capital expenditures for uniforms, equipment, and supplies. All funds raised will comply with Osman Shrine and Imperial rules. Requests made for Osman Shrine funds will be limited to pilgrimages, in-state events, and those expenses that are deemed by the Board of Directors to be reasonable, beyond the Club/Unit’s ability to raise, and which meet the Osman Shrine goals.

Section 3. Acquired Assets

Prior approval of the Potentate is required before acquiring any vehicle or other equipment, whether by purchase or donation. Neither vehicles nor equipment will be disposed of without the prior approval of the Potentate. All vehicles and other equipment that is titled shall be titled in the name “Osman Shrine”. Such vehicles will not be used until the Shrine Office has confirmed that insurance is in place on the asset. This section pertains to vehicles and other equipment that the Club/Unit acquires for its use, not vehicles and equipment that will remain personally owned by the members and may be used in Club/Unit activities. No such personally-owned vehicle will be used for Club/Unit activities unless it is driven by a Noble who has a proper and current Drivers License and the vehicle has proper insurance that meets the requirements of the Insurance Committee of Osman Shrine and a certificate of such insurance is on file with the Club/Unit Secretary and evidence of same is carried on/in the vehicle while on a Shrine activity and available for inspection by the Osman Chief of Staff or members of his staff.

Section 4. Fund Raising

All funds raised in the name of this Club/Unit are done in the name of Osman Shrine and must be fully accounted for annually with a report to the Shrine office. If a fund-raiser mentions the Shriners Hospitals in any manner, then all proceeds must be donated to the Hospital in accordance with Imperial rules. All donations by the Club/Unit, or by others on behalf of the

Club/Unit shall be reported to the Shrine office annually for the Parade To Glory.

Section 5. Contracts

The Shrine Club/Unit may not enter into any contract for a fundraising event, including any telemarketing agreements, unless, prior to execution:

1) Contracts must contain a clause that absolves Osman Shrine from any financial liability and must be approved by the members of the Club/Unit prior to submission to the Osman Shriners Attorney;

2) Thereafter it shall be submitted, with the written opinion of the Osman Shriners Attorney, to the Board of Directors for their approval and be signed by the Potentate. If the contract exposes Osman Shriners to financial liability, it must be approved by the members at a Stated Meeting.

3) If a contract or agreement involves the collection or receipt of money, such sums of money must remain under the exclusive or joint control and custody of the Club/Unit Treasurer until disbursed in accordance with the provisions of the contract.

This section does not apply to agreements or contracts for normal operating expenses of the Club/Unit.

Section 6. Operating Rules and Procedures.

Neither rule nor procedure established for the conduct of members at public appearances or practices shall conflict with these Bylaws, Imperial Council Bylaws, or Osman Shrine Bylaws, rules or procedures.

Section 7. Disbandment of Club/Unit.

Should the Club/Unit be disbanded or become inactive, all funds, supplies, vehicles, and equipment not personally owned will immediately revert to Osman Shrine.


Section 1. Stated Meetings

Stated Meetings are to be regularly scheduled by the Officers. Due notice of such dates, times, and locations shall be communicated to the members.

Section 2. Special Meetings

Special Meetings may be called, provided due notice is given, which states the details of the business to be conducted, and no other business shall be transacted.

Section 3. Annual Meeting

There shall be an Annual Meeting prior to December 1st of each year during which elections shall be held. Due notice shall be provided to the members of the date, time, and location of the Annual Meeting.

Section 4. Informal Meetings

Informal meetings may be held without due notice. These meetings may be for social activities or to conduct business that does not authorize expenditure of funds.

Section 5. Quorums

A quorum at the Annual, Stated, and Special Meetings shall be at least five members who are eligible to vote, at least 2 of which shall be elected Officers.

Section 6. Due Notice

“Due Notice” for the Annual meeting shall mean the mailing by 1st class mail postmarked at least 15 days prior to the meeting, or in a published annual calendar mailed to the members by February 1st of each year at the address as listed on the membership rolls of Osman Shrine office. “Due Notice” for Stated Meetings and Special Meetings shall mean either the above mailing of the notice or the telephone contact of all members at the telephone number as listed on the membership rolls of the Club/Unit. Messages left on answering devices

shall serve as a contact. Phones which are not answered will be tried a minimum of three times, at least one hour apart. Email may be used for “Due Notice” provided the member does not object to such notice.

Section 7. Location of Meetings

Meetings may be held anywhere within the exclusive or concurrent jurisdiction of Osman Shrine at the call of the Officers. Social meetings may be held outside the jurisdiction with the prior approval of the Potentate and the Potentate of the jurisdiction in which the meeting is to be held.


Section 1. Time of Election

The election will be at the Annual Meeting. Once the election starts no other business may be transacted until the election is concluded.

Section 2. Nominations

A Nominating Committee may be appointed. Candidates for office may also be placed in nomination from the floor. Nominations must be made by members of the Club/Unit and do not need a second.

Section 3. Election Regulations

(A) Campaigning Prohibited

The printing, publication, circulation, or distribution of resolutions, letters, telegrams, tickets, or other devices, by a Noble, suggesting, recommending, opposing, or containing the names of proposed candidates for office is prohibited. Oral statements recommending a candidate may be made as part of a seconding of a nomination.

(B) Violations of Campaigning

For violation of Section 3(A), the Potentate may suspend any offending Noble and he may declare the election of the Officers void and order a new election.

(C) Non-Contested Election

Oral ballots may be used when there is only one nominee for an office to be elected.

(D) Contested Election

When there are two or more candidates for an office, the presiding Officer will appoint at least three (3) tellers to count written and secret ballots. Such ballots will be collected only from those members eligible to vote. Once a candidate receives a majority of those votes, he shall be declared elected. If no one candidate achieves the majority, successive ballots shall be taken with the Noble receiving the least number of votes removed from the balloting.

(E) Conflict of Candidate

If a presiding Officer is a candidate for the office being voted upon, he shall step aside and have another Officer conduct the Election.

(F) Eligible Voters

See Article XI, Classes of Membership for the definition of eligible voters.

Section 4. Report of Election

The Osman Shrine office will be notified of the results of the election within seven (7) days of the election.

Section 5. Vacancies

In the event any Officer dies, resigns, moves, and resides permanently outside the jurisdiction of the Club/Unit, is suspended or expelled by Osman Shrine, is adjudged mentally incompetent by a civil court, is convicted of a felony or of any criminal offense involving moral turpitude, the office shall become vacant. A Special Meeting will be held for the purpose of a special election to fill a vacancy in elective office. The Noble elected will serve the remainder of the term to which the Noble was elected to the vacant office. The Potentate will be immediately advised of the results of the election.

Section 6. Installation

Officers will not assume their office until Installed by a member of the Osman Divan, and such Installation shall take place as soon as practical after notification to the Osman Shrine office of the election of Officers. Such Installation may be open to nonmembers.

Article V OSMAN Meat Mavericks MEMBERSHIP

Section 1. Membership

Membership Classes in this Club/Unit shall be defined in Article XI of these bylaws. All members of all classes shall be current members of the Shrine of North America, A.A.O.N.M.S.

Section 2. Minimum Number of Members

In order to remain a viable Club/Unit of Osman Shrine, there shall be at least ten (10) Active Members. Should the roster become less than six, the Potentate will be informed and the Club/Unit will be placed on probation for a period not to exceed two years. During the probation period, the Club/Unit will operate as if it were not on probation. If at any time during probation, the required number is attained, the Potentate will take the Club/Unit off probation. If at the end of a two-year probationary period, there is still not a sufficient number, the Club/Unit will be disbanded by the Potentate.

Section 3. Restrictions on Members

Only those with a current Osman Shrine dues card may take advantage of Osman subsidized activities.

Section 4. Ex-Official Members

According to the Bylaws of Osman Shriners, the Illustrious Potentate, the Chief Rabban, and the Liaison Divan Representative to this Club/Unit shall be ex-officio members of this Club/Unit and shall be informed of all activities. Ex-officio members shall not pay dues, assessments, or fees.

Section 5. Suspension of Membership

(A) Non-payment of Club/Unit Dues or Assessments

Any member who is delinquent in dues or assessments for two years shall be suspended from Club/Unit membership until such time as he becomes current.

(B) Suspension or Demit From Osman Shrine

Members who are suspended, or demitted, from the Shrine shall no longer operate any vehicles owned by Osman or the Club/Unit, nor shall they be allowed to participate in any activity subsidized by neither Osman Shrine nor hold office in this Club/Unit.

(C) Suspension from the Club/Unit for Failure to Comply with Club/Unit Rules

The Club/Unit may suspend or terminate the membership in the Club/Unit of a Noble who does not comply with participation or other rules relative to the application for membership. The procedure is to notify Noble in writing by 1st class prepaid United States mail of a date for hearing and voting on suspension or termination from the Club/Unit. The hearing and voting shall take place at a regular stated or special meeting in which the members shall be notified in due notice that such a hearing may take place. Such a meeting may not take place unless thirty (30) days have passed following notification. The Noble shall be given an opportunity to be heard prior to a vote by the voting Members on a question to suspend or terminate the Noble’s membership in the Club/Unit. A two-thirds vote is required by those present and voting to suspend or terminate the membership. The Potentate will be informed in writing within ten (10) days of any action taken. The Potentate reserves the right to overturn an action of


(D) Charges of Shriner Improper Conduct and/or Suspension or Termination in the Shrine

Any accusation of conduct unbecoming a Shriner must be referred to the Potentate. Only the Potentate, in accordance with Imperial Bylaws, Article 30, may handle such charges. Members whose membership in the Shrine is either suspended or terminated will automatically and immediately be terminated from membership in this Club/Unit and may not partake in any

Club/Unit activity.


Section 1. Officers

The following Officers shall be elected at the Annual Meeting for a one-year term. Officers must be current dues-paying members of the Shrine.

a. President

b. Vice President

c. Secretary

d. Treasurer

Article XII may specify that the offices of the Secretary and the Treasurer may be combined into one office, however, all of the duties enumerated in this Article shall apply to that combined office. Article XII may specify that other officers may be elected or appointed for the government of the Club/Unit. The terms of such officers and their duties will be enumerated in Article XII.

Section 2. General Duties.

It shall be the duty of all officers to require the members at all times observe the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Code, Regulations, Edicts and Usages of the Imperial Council and the Bylaws, Regulations, and Edicts of the Potentate of Osman Shrine; that accurate records are kept and just accounts rendered; that regular reports required by the Potentate are provided to the Osman Shrine office; that annual dues are collected and just obligations paid; and that the Annual Meeting is held. They are also responsible for having the Club/Unit represented at each monthly meeting of the Osman Club and Unit Heads.

Section 3. Fund-Raising.

The officers are personally responsible for ensuring that no fundraisers, benefits, raffles, lotteries, or promotions are entered into or advertised where the Shriners Hospitals for Children are mentioned unless prior approval has been obtained from the Potentate. No contract may be entered into without the prior written approval of the Potentate. This section does not apply to agreements or contracts for normal operating expenses of the Club/Unit.

Section 4. Duties and Responsibilities of the President

The President is responsible for the overall conduct of his Club/Unit and in particular that it is governed according to the general duties and fundraising sections of this article. He shall appoint such chairmen of committees as needed to ensure the proper conduct of the business and social activities of the Club/Unit. The Club/Unit may add additional titles and/or duties to this office in Article XII, Other Officers.

Section 5. Duties and Responsibilities of the Vice President

The Vice President will act as President Pro Tem should the President not be present, and shall perform such other duties as ordered by the President. The Club/Unit may add additional titles and/or duties to this office in Article XIII, Other Officers.

Section 6. Duties and Responsibilities of the Secretary

(A) General Duties.

The Secretary must maintain proper membership records and correspondence of the Club/Unit that are complete, accurate, and current. All members must maintain their Shrine membership. The Secretary should assure himself that the member is current in his Shrine Center’s dues. The Shrine Center Office, Potentate, Chief Rabban, and Divan Representative should be added 

to the mailing list each year. He shall invoice the membership for the next year’s dues following the Annual meeting. He shall perform other duties as assigned by the President.

(B) Reporting.

The Secretary will furnish the Shrine Office the annual report of newly elected Officers with home addresses, and home, office, and fax phone numbers within seven days of the election. A year-end report of all members should be made to the Shrine Center office no later than January 31st of each year.

(C) Copies of bylaws

The Secretary will furnish to each new member a current copy of the bylaws, and if any amendments are adopted, a copy of said amendment will be provided to all members.

Section 7. Duties and Responsibilities of the Treasurer

(A) Deposits of funds.

All funds of the Club/Unit must be deposited in an account with a state-licensed financial institution and may not be co-mingled with any personal funds or other non-Shrine entity.

(B) Disbursements.

Only bills that are approved by the members of the Club/Unit may be paid. All payments must be by check. Payments should be made promptly. Should the Club/Unit be discontinued for any reason, all assets in money, securities, certificates of deposit, vehicles, equipment, furniture, and all other property shall immediately become the property of Osman Shrine.

(C) Accounting.

The Treasurer is to maintain accurate and complete books of accounting for all revenues, disbursements, assets, and liabilities.

(D) Reporting.

The Treasurer will prepare and deliver at the Annual Meeting a full accounting to the members of all funds raised or earned along

with all disbursements and a current Balance Sheet of the Club/Unit. The Treasurer will furnish the Shrine Office with the financial

reports by January 31st of each year.

(E) Assets.

Assets may not be disposed of, or traded, without the prior written approval of the Potentate. Donations to the Club/Unit of property, vehicles, or other large assets, require prior written approval of the Potentate.

(F) Holding Companies.

Formation of separate corporations for the purpose of holding title to real estate, vehicles, or other assets, including stocks, bonds, or other cash assets, is prohibited unless in full compliance with Imperial Bylaws 337.7 and approved by the Potentate.


Section 1. Initiation Fee and Dues

The members, at a Stated Meeting, which has been called with ‘due notice’, may establish the Initiation Fee and Annual Dues for Classes of Memberships.

Section 2. Assessments

Special assessments shall not be voted upon at a Meeting unless such intent is stated in the Due Notice which has been provided to all voting members at least 15 days prior to the meeting and only if two-thirds of those present and voting on the proposal approved, and the Potentate of Osman Shrine approves the proposal. Assessments may be limited solely to Active Members. Life Members may be responsible for special assessments if the resolution to assess specifically assigns the assessment to Life Members as well as other members.


1) Except as specifically provided by the Bylaws of the Imperial Council, or the resolution of the Board of Directors ratified by Osman Shrine, no unit, shrine club, group of persons, or person, has the authority, expressed or implied, to act as the agent, to act on behalf of, or by its act or omission, to obligate or bind Osman Shrine.

2) It is unlawful for any unit or club under Osman Shrine’s control, any group of its members, or any member acting for or on behalf of Osman Shrine, to promote or take part in any engagement or enterprise prohibited by the law of the land.

3) The use of the word “Noble” or “Shriner” or any variation thereof, or any term, sign, or symbol of the Order, for commercial or other business enterprises, is prohibited unless specifically approved by the Imperial Shrine. This section does not apply to those who are regularly engaged in dealing with standard Shrine supplies, uniforms, regalia, and emblems.

4) The use of the name “Shriners Hospitals for Children” or reference to the Hospitals in connection with any fundraising activity by Osman Shrine, its units or clubs, or a Noble of Osman Shrine without the written consent of the Imperial Potentate and the chairman of the board of trustees of the Hospitals is prohibited.

5) Osman Shrine, its units or clubs, or a Noble of Osman Shrine may not solicit funds or accept real estate, securities, or other property for the purposes connected with the building, launching, maintenance, or operation of hospitals for children, or similar projects, without first obtaining permission from the board of trustees.

6) All immoral and vulgar practices or allusions are prohibited. Any officer presiding at the time shall be personally responsible for failure to immediately stop any act of vulgarity or obscenity.

7) A Noble may not furnish a list of members to anyone to be used to circularize or solicit the members for business purposes except as provided by Imperial bylaws 335.6.

8) Osman Shrine, its units, and clubs may not organize, or sponsor, any body of women, or men and women, purporting to be an organization connected with the Order composed of Nobles and female relatives or requiring such relationship as the prerequisite for membership in the organization.

9) Females are prohibited from participating in official Shrine parades.

10) The appearance in public of Nobles in costume or attire, or publicly engaging in activities which may bring reproach upon the Order, including the impersonators of females or display of ethnic groups is prohibited.

11) No corporation may be organized for any purpose related to any activities of the Order or the Hospitals unless the express written consent of the Imperial Potentate is first obtained. A Shrine Unit or Club may not incorporate or organize itself as a limited liability company, partnership, cooperative, or any other civil entity. A Shrine Club holding company may be organized if considered necessary by compliance with Section 337.7 of the Imperial bylaws.


Section 1. Roberts Rules of Order

The revised edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the parliamentary procedures at all meetings, except for such instances as may be otherwise incorporated in the By-laws of Osman Shrine or the Imperial bylaws, rules, and edicts.


Section 1. Repeal

These Bylaws shall become effective upon approval by the Potentate of Osman Shrine and all existing Bylaws shall then and thereby be repealed and have no further effect. These Bylaws are effective as of the date of signature of the Osman Potentate.


Section 1. Proposed Alterations or Amendments

The Board of Directors of Osman Shrine permits no changes in Articles I through X of these Bylaws, except those directed by the Osman Board of Directors, and they shall immediately supersede any articles and sections of these bylaws upon receipt of same. Any other proposed alterations or amendments to these Bylaws must be submitted in writing to the membership at a Stated Meeting. Further action shall be deferred until the next Stated Meeting, or at a Special Meeting, provided due notice of the proposal is given to the members, showing in detail the proposed changes. At such a meeting, a two-thirds affirmative vote of the members present and voting shall be required to adopt the proposal. The amendment shall be effective when signed by the Osman Potentate. All adopted amendments will be permanently attached to the master copy of these Bylaws.

Section 2. Individual Unit/Club Articles

By a vote of the members, and upon approval of the Potentate, the members may enact and amend Articles XI and XII to these bylaws for the government of the Club/Unit. Approval by the Potentate will depend upon whether the intended article conflicts with bylaws or orders of the Imperial Council or Osman Shrine.

1) Article XI will list the membership classes and the manner for application for membership.

2) Article XII may list additional officers and their duties. This article may also enact an Executive Committee and outline its membership and powers and may be enacted to enumerate any operational bylaws that may be unique to the Club/Unit.


Section 1. Membership Classes

(A) Active:

An Active member is defined as a current member of the Shrine of North America, A.A.O.N.M.S. who wishes to participate in defined and designated activities of the Unit. The membership may establish rules for minimum participation, uniforms, and other requirements.

(B) Honorary Members

Any member of the Unit who has provided distinguished or unusual service to the Unit may be elected by the membership as a Lifetime Honorary Member. Honorary Members will pay no dues but will have voting privileges, and may hold an appointed office.

Section 2. Application for Membership

(A) Active Members

Persons wishing membership in the Active class shall complete an application provided by the Secretary. The application shall be signed by two Active Members and presented along with the appropriate initiation fee at the next Stated Meeting. The person shall be admitted to membership upon a majority vote of those present and voting on the motion to accept. The membership shall be effective upon payment of appropriate annual dues.

(B) Honorary Members

Any Active member may propose a member for Honorary Membership by submitting a written application, which clearly states the distinguished or unusual service deserving of the honor. The President shall appoint three Members to investigate and make a report to the members at the next Stated Meeting. The honor shall be granted upon a majority vote of those present and voting on the motion.

Section 3. Suspended Members Reinstatement

Any Noble suspended from the SAMPLE UNIT may only be readmitted to the Unit when Osman and/or the Imperial Shrine have reinstated him. Those who were suspended from the Osman Meat Mavericks may be reinstated upon reapplication using the same criteria and procedure as a new member.


Section 1. Guidelines, Rules, and Procedures

All members and officers will adhere to the Operations Guidelines, Rules, and Procedures that are established by the members for the operations of the Patrol. Such Guidelines, Rules, and Procedures will not conflict with Osman or Imperial bylaws or edicts of the Potentate of Osman Shrine.

Section 2. Rochester Area Shrine Club

All members will be required to be members of the Rochester Area Shrine Club. Annual dues will be paid by the Patrol and billed to each member as part of his Patrol dues. The Treasurer will promptly transfer all such dues to the Treasurer of the Rochester Area Shrine Club.

Section 3. Uniforms

Each Active member will be expected to purchase and maintain a parade uniform to ensure a sharp overall public image of the Patrol. A competition uniform may be provided by the Patrol. The Unit may establish a deposit fee, or charge for uniform parts. All Osman Shrine-owned uniform parts must be returned to the Unit when the member ceases to be an Active Member.

Section 4. Equipment

All parade and competition equipment will be owned or leased by the Patrol and will be maintained and operated under the direction of the Captain.


Section 1. Officers

In addition to the Officers enumerated in Article VI, there shall be a Captain elected at the Annual Meeting for a one-year term.

The President shall appoint the following Officers for a one-year term:

a. Circus Committee Chairman

b. Social Events Chairmen

c. Other Chairmen which may involve business or social functions as necessary

The Captain shall appoint the following Officers for a one-year term:

a. Line Lieutenants

b. Parade Chairman

c. Quartermaster

d. Uniform Chairman

e. Other Chairmen which may involve parades, practices, competition, or vehicles as necessary

Section 2. Secretary-Treasurer

As permitted by Article VI, the offices of the Secretary and Treasurer shall be combined.

Section 3. Captain

The Captain is responsible for all parade, practice, competition, and vehicle aspects of the Unit. He shall appoint and oversee the Operation Officers or Chairmen to assist in the orderly conduct of the unit.

Section 4. Circus Chairman

The Circus Chairman shall be appointed by the President and shall serve as the Unit’s representative to the Osman Shrine’s Circus Director and as such shall organize the Unit’s ticket and promotional materials sales and other activities in support of the Osman Circus.

Section 5. Other Officers

All other Officers shall perform the duties assigned to them by the Officer who appointed them.

Section 6. Executive Committee The President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, and Captain shall constitute the Executive Committee and may transact business of the Unit between Stated Meetings. The members at the next Stated Meeting shall approve the expenditure of funds, which have not been pre-approved by the members. The Executive Committee, with the approval of a majority of the members at a Stated or Special Meeting, may establish Rules and Procedures for the conduct of members at public appearances or practices, etc. provided no rule nor procedure shall conflict with these Bylaws, or Imperial Council or Osman Shrine Center Bylaws, rules or procedures. A copy of such rules and procedures will be sent to the Shrine office upon enactment.


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